Summer School forest planning and management in the 21st century

Challenges and latest tools for forest planning and management in the 21st century

Begin: 25 August 2025

End: 29 August 2025

Location: AgroParisTech, Nancy (France)

Organized by: NFZ.forestnet, TriNational ForestLab, SwissForestLab

Language: English

Type of event: Courses

Target audience: PhD students and young researchers - Maximum admission: 25 participants

Forest cover and ecosystem services are increasingly threatened by uncertainties, amplified by climate change. Together with experts from France, Germany, and Switzerland, we will explore key questions: How will forests evolve in the future? How can forest management sustain forests and their functions?

The Summer School will address the major challenges in forest management and planning. International experts will present tools and experiences for tackling these issues, focusing on multi-risk management, decision-making approaches, and governance of common resources. Participants will gain insights into monitoring forest evolution and simulating future scenarios, strengthening the foundation for robust forest management.

The program includes lectures, discussions, and interactive sessions, as well as a one-day excursion to the Verdun Forest, guided by the French National Forests Office (ONF).

More information can be found here and in the flyer.


Application for the Summer School



No registration fees for students. Participants will cover their own travel and accommodation costs. A financial support could be solicited. The summer school will offer the cocktails, dinner and side events scheduled during the week.


