Science Day 2025

Der SwissForestLab Science Day findet am 14. Februar 2025 an der Universität Basel statt.

Das diesjährige Thema lautet „Forests in the Face of Accelerating Environmental Change - Quantifying, Monitoring, and Predicting Climate Change Impacts“.


08:00-09:00   Registration  
09:00   Welcome  
Session 1   Chair: Hoch, Günter  
09:00-09:30 1.0

Buras, Allan


Keynote: Studying the climate-change resilience of forest ecosystems in space and time
09:30-09:45 1.1

Floriancic, Marius G.


Revealing The Origin, Age And Seasonality Of Streamflow, Soil Waters And Transpiration
09:45-10:00 1.2 Steger, David N. Drought Effects on Root Water Uptake Depth of Temperate Trees – Findings from a Two-year Rain Exclusion Experiment
10:00-10:15 1.3 Dups, Raphael Drought Vulnerability in a Temperate Forest Stand: A Comparison of Conspecific Mature and Juvenile Trees
10:15-10:30 1.4 Schaub, Marcus VPDrought – a Novel Approach to Disentangle Atmospheric and Soil Drought in a Natural Scots Pine Fores
10:30-11:00   Coffee break  
11:00-11:15 1.5

Zhorzel, Tobias

Relevance of Osmotic Adjustment During Drought in Mature Temperate Trees
11:15-11:30 1.6 Braun, Sabine Recent Drought Effects on Beech, Oak and Spruce compared to four decades of Intercantonal Long-term Forest Observation
11:30-11:45 1.7

Marano, Gina

Simulating the recent drought- induced mortality of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) in German forests
11:45-12:00 1.8 Lukovic, Mirko Virtual Trees
12:00-12:15 1.9 Beloiu Schwenke, Mirela TreeAI: A High-resolution Global Dataset for Advancing AI-based Forest Monitoring
12:15-13:30   Lunch Break and poster session (posters of Session 1 & 2)
Session 2  

Chair: Vitasse, Yann

13:30-14:00 2.0

Grendelmeier, Alex


Spotlight: Impact of climate change and extreme events on Swiss (forest) birds
14:00-14:15 2.1

Kurath, Dave


Leaf Spectroscopy Reveals Drought Response Variation in Fagus Sylvatica Saplings from Across the Species’ Range
14:15-14:30 2.2

Schneider, Pascal

Flush to Crush: The Paradox of Favourable Springs Leading to Tree Mortality
14:30-14:45 2.3 Luo, Yunpeng The Underlying Physiological Reasons Cause Delayed Spring Photosynthesis Resumption
14:45-15:00 2.4 Deluigi, Janisse Photosynthetic and Respiratory Acclimation Cannot Compensate Reduced Plant-level Carbon Uptake in Beech and Oak Saplings Under Prolonged Warming and Drought
15:00-15:30   Coffee break  
15:30-16:00 2.5

Bottero, Alessandra


Keynote: Mountain Forests in a Changing Climate: Challenges, Insights, and Adaptation Strategies
16:00-16:15 2.6 Hunziker, Stefan Tree crown defoliation and tree mortality in Swiss forestry
16:15-16:30 2.7 Marande, Camille Drought Resilience of 14 Native and Non-native Tree Species in the Longterm Experimental Plantation Copera, Based on Treering Analyses and Quantitative Wood Anatomy
16:30-16:45 2.8 de Boer, Maaike Enhancing Resilience of Temperate European Forests by Promoting Rare Native Tree Species (RareSpec Project)
16:45-17:00 2.9 Heubel, Sina Assessing Forest Dynamics Tools for Tackling Emerging Challenges in Forest Management
17:00-18:00   Apéro and poster session (posters of Session 1 & 2)