About Us

SwissForestLab is an infrastructure network and a research platform. By tapping into synergies from the expertise in forest research in Switzerland, we promote cooperative research for a deeper understanding of the functioning, resistance and resilience of forest ecosystems.

The infrastructure and data network

In Switzerland, scientists with an excellent expertise in the field of forest research work in various institutions and disciplines. In addition, Swiss research institutions and Universities also have a wide range of infrastructures and approaches:

  • Field sites (networks, monitoring and experiments)
  • Installations such as cranes and measurement towers
  • Data from field and laboratory analyses and monitoring
  • Special laboratories and methods
  • Various experimental and modelling approaches.

The idea of SwissForestLab is to bring together these assets within a network. This network allows for synergies and new insights and findings in science. It also provides a better visibility of existing expertise and infrastructure and the possibility to find new cooperation partners. New and innovative interdisciplinary experiments and projects can be established within this network, which will also increase the visibility of Swiss forest research worldwide.

The research platform

SwissForestLab, initiated by WSL, started with a group of idea drivers from different Swiss institutions (ETH, Universities of Zurich, Bern, Basel and WSL).

Since September 2017 it has been open to all scientists working in forest ecosystem research in Switzerland and willing to contribute with infrastructure (data, field sites, models, etc.) as members of SwissForestLab.

With this growing group of members, SwissForestLab forms a dynamic scientific environment with a strong focus on outreach and applied research. In addition to members, SwissForestLab is also open to partners from international research collaborations or members of Swiss federal agencies, companies or foundations.

The research coordination of the SwissForestLab is hosted by WSL and supported by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.