Journée de la science 2023

La journée scientifique du SwissForestLab aura lieu le 6 octobre 2023 à l'ETH Zurich, AudiMax (HG F 30).




08:00-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Welcome and opening ceremony
Session 1 Chair: Grossiord, Charlotte

Keynote: Hille Ris Lambers, Janneke

Forest regeneration in a changing world


Junior Keynote: Hermann, Mauro

Meteorological history of low-forest-greenness events in Europe in 2002-2022


Eisenring, Michael

Legacy Effects of an Extreme Drought Event Can Modulate Phytochemical Profile and Leaf Herbivory in European Beech


Deluigi , Janisse

The Impact of Tree tree Interactions on Leaf level Carbon Exchange Under Heat Vs. Drought Stress

10:30-11:00 Coffee break and poster session (posters of Session 1 & 2)

Didion-Gency, Margaux

Chronic Warming and Dry Soils Limit Carbon Uptake and Growth Despite a Longer Growing Season in Beech and Oak


Marano, Gina

Chronic Warming and Dry Soils Limit Carbon Uptake and Growth Despite a Longer Growing Season in Beech and Oak


Wang, Sonwgwei

Leaf Minimum Conductance And Residual Water Use In 9 European Tree Species During A Hot Drought

11:45-13:15 Lunch break
Session 2

Chair: Gessler, Arthur


Keynote: Bauhus, Jürgen

Hiking without map and compass? The path to adapting our forests


Junior Keynote:  Beliou Schwenke, Mirela

Tree Species Response to Drought in Temperate Forests: New Monitoring Perspectives


Schmidt, Michael

Deep Soil Organic Matter Response to Warming is Depth and Site specific


Guidi, Claudia

Drought Impacts Soil Carbon Storage Through Changes in Soil Biota Evidence from a Long term Irrigation Experiment in a Dry Pine Forest

14:30-15:00 Coffee break

Mas, Eugenie

Enhanced Water Source Partitioning is Not Enough to Overcome Drought Impacts in Mixed Mediterranean Forests


Pistone, Azzura

Unraveling the Demographic History of Abies Spp. By Combining Ancient Pollen Data with Genetic Simulations


Diaz-Yanez, Olalla

Tree Migration in Complex Landscapes

16:00-17:00 Apéro and poster session (posters of Sessions 1 & 2)