Science Day 2018

The first SwissForestLab Science Day took place at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL on November 21st, 2018.

It started with three keynote lectures covering the three central research topics of the SwissForestLab, namely (1) biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; (2) land-use change and long-term legacies; and (3) climate change effects on forest ecosystems.

Short workshops allowed for deepening these topics and develop further project and cooperation ideas. Research highlights of scientists, groups and institutions were presented in short talks and a poster session.


08:30 Welcoming coffee
09:20 Introduction, A. Gessler (WSL)
09:30 Keynote "biodiversity and ecosystem functioning", K. Bollmann (WSL)
10:15 Keynote "land-use change and its long-term legacy", W. Tinner (University of Bern)
11:00 Keynote "climate change effects on forest ecosystems", M. Stoffel (University of Geneva)
11:45 Stand-up lunch and poster session
13:15 Short talks on research / project highlights from SwissForestLab member institutions
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Workshops on the three main research topics, networking,
exchange of project and collaboration ideas
16:45 Wrap-up
17:00 Apéro