Summer Schools



One major aim of SwissForestLab is to organize summer schools open to PhD students, MSc in their last year and postdocs from any country.

2024 Summer School Forests and Extremes

The 2024 Summer School "Forests and Extremes: Crisis or Transition?" will take place in August in Davos. You can find more details about the program here

Here is what participants can expect:

  • bring themselves up to date with the latest research
  • share their research in team work and poster presentations
  • receive feedback from experienced scientists during quality time before and after lectures
  • network with peers from all around the world.
  • enjoy excursions to high-end research facilities in the Swiss Alps.

Still not sure if summer schools are worth the time for busy students? See for yourself in this video clip filmed in 2021:

For further impressions of our summer school, we encourage you to check out a blog post by a 2019 participant as well as a futher video clip from 2015.