Starting Group

Until its election, the Steering Committee was represented by the "Starting Group" of the SwissForestLab, scientists and experts of different Swiss research and federal institutions who worked together in the first months to set up and organise the network.

Prof. Dr. Arthur Gessler Ecosystem Ecology WSL
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rigling Forest Ecology ETHzürich
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Kahmen Physiological Plant Ecology Uni Basel
Prof. Dr. Harald Bugmann Forest Ecology ETHzürich
Prof. Dr. Nina Buchmann Grasland Sciences ETHzürich
Prof. Dr. Niklaus Zimmermann Dynamic Macroecology WSL
Prof. Dr. Rolf Holderegger Biodiversity and Conservation Biology WSL
PD Dr. Felix Morsdorf Spatial Genetics Uni Zürich
Prof Dr. Willi Tinner Paleoecology Uni Bern
Nele Rogiers Federal Office for the Environment FOEN